EMDR Intensives
Make progress faster with an accelerated program.
An "intensive" is a generally a multi-hour/multi-day program of EMDR sessions. This approach not only speeds up your progress, but also provides a streamlined, structured process that keeps you on track. With an immersive experience, you can explore stuck parts more deeply, and emerge with a renewed sense of clarity and resilience.
Research has shown that EMDR in an intensive format is just as effective as ongoing weekly therapy, but with many added benefits. With an intensive, you can:
Accelerate: A multi-hour/multi-day experience equates to months' worth of traditional weekly therapy.
Motivate: Set aside a block of time just for you to focus on your healing.
Flex: Customize your program, so you can fit therapy into your busy schedule.
Add-on: Supplement your current weekly therapy and move your progress forward.
Revisit: Easily follow up on previous therapy work.
​Your intensive will be customized to meet your unique needs. Let's begin with a 15-minute intro call to discuss your situation, and we can design the perfect program for you!​